StarLicense Documentation

For Server Admins & Engineers

  • Created: 3 April, 2023
  • Update: 16 Dec, 2023

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email us [email protected].

# Uninstallation all provider's license

curl -sL | sudo bash -

# Installation

Our Licenses:

  1. cPanel For Vps
  2. cPanel For Dedicated
  3. Plesk For Vps
  4. Plesk For Dedicated
  5. Jetbackup
  6. Softaculous
  7. Imunify360
  8. WHM Sonic
  9. WHM Master Reseller
  10. cP Guard
  11. SitePad
  12. Cloudlinux Shared Pro
  13. LiteSpeed 2 Worker
  14. LiteSpeed 4 Worker
  15. LiteSpeed X Worker
  16. OSM (Outgoing Spam Monitoring)
  17. Virtualizor


Responsive image

cPanel Installation For VPS:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal after installing cPanel

rm -rf installer
rm -rf setup
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run


To update your cPanel&WHM version run


(CP Dedicated)

Responsive image

cPanel Installation For Dedicated Server:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal after installing cPanel

rm -rf installer
rm -rf setup
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run


To update your cPanel&WHM version run


(Plesk VPS)

Responsive image

Plesk Installation For VPS:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal after installing plesk

#Plesk On Linux
rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

For Windows

#Plesk On Windows

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -command "$activation = new-object System.Net.WebClient;$activation.DownloadFile(\"\",\"C:\installer.ps1\")"
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:\installer.ps1"

(Plesk Dedicated)

Responsive image

Plesk Installation For Dedicated Servers:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal after installing plesk

#Plesk On Linux
rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

For Windows

#Plesk On Windows

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -command "$activation = new-object System.Net.WebClient;$activation.DownloadFile(\"\",\"C:\installer.ps1\")"
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:\installer.ps1"


Responsive image

Jetbackup Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install Jetbackup

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run



Responsive image

Softaculous Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install softaculous

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run



Responsive image

imunify360 Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install imunify360

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run


If you want to uninstall imunifyAV & wants to install imunify360 then run

curl -sL | sudo bash - ; ivxim360


Responsive image

whmsonic Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install whmsonic

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run


(Whm Master Reseller)

Responsive image

Whm Master Reseller Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install Whm Master Reseller

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run



Responsive image

CpGuard Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install CpGuard

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run



Responsive image

SitePad Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install SitePad

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run


(Cloud Linux Shared Pro)

Responsive image

Cloud Linux Shared Pro Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install Cloud Linux Shared Pro

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run


(Litespeed 2, 4 & X workers)

Responsive image

Litespeed 2, 4 & X workers Installation For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install litespeed 2workers, 4workers & X-workers same command for all workers

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run


OSM (Outgoing Spam Monitoring)

Responsive image

OSM (Outgoing Spam Monitoring) For VPS & Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install osm, remember
ivxosm --install you need to execute second time if first time failed

  rm -rf installer
  rm -rf setup
  curl -L -o "installer" ""
  chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run



Responsive image

Virtualizor for Dedicated Servers Both:

It's a mother command copy the code and paste it into your ssh terminal to install virtualizor

  rm -rf installer
  curl -L -o "installer" ""
  chmod +x installer

After Renewing License if your license not working then run


# Short Commands

You must need to install the mother commands before running short commands
See Example Of Mother Commands

If you have renewed late and seeing your licenses are not active then run the table commands

# License Name Short Commands
1 cPanel For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxcp
2 Plesk For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxpk
3 Jetbackup For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxjp
4 Softaculous For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxsc
5 imunify360 For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxim360
6 WHM Sonic For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxws
7 WHM Reseller For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxwr
8 CpGuard For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxcpg
9 SitePad For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxsp
10 Cloudlinux For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxcx
11 LiteSpeed For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxls
12 CpNgnix For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxnx
13 OSM For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxosm
14 Virtualizor For Dedicated Run: ivxvr

# Short Installation Commands

# License Name Short Commands
1 cPanel For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxcp —install
2 Plesk For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxpk —install
3 Jetbackup For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxjp —install
4 Softaculous For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxsc —install
5 imunify360 For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxim360 —install
6 WHM Sonic For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxws —install
7 WHM Reseller For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxwr —install
8 CpGuard For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxcpg —install
9 SitePad For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxsp —install
10 Cloudlinux For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxcx —install
11 LiteSpeed For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxls —install
12 CpNgnix For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxnx —install
13 OSM For Dedicated/VPS Run: ivxosm —install

# Install Or Renew Hostname SSL

cPanel hostname SSL Install/Renew:

After Every 3months your server's hostname's SSL will stop working on your hostname run those following commands to renew the ssl of your hostname

NoteFor VPS run this command

curl -sL | sudo bash -

NoteFor Dedicated Server run this command

curl -sL | sudo bash -

# Bonus Commands

cPanel Installation Command (Official)

You can use the following commands for installing cPanel & WHM:

cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

imunifyAv uninstallation & imunify360 installation Command (Official)

You can use the following commands for un-installing imunifyAV & auto install imunify360:

curl -sL | sudo bash -

Jetbackup uninstallation command

You can use the following commands for un-installing jetbackup:

curl -sL | sudo bash -

Softaculous Uninstall command

You can use the following commands for Uninstalling Softaculous:

curl -sL | sudo bash -

Softaculous Install command

You can use the following commands for installing Softaculous:

curl -sL | sudo bash -

PostGreSQL Install command

You can use the following commands for installing PostgreSQL:


Install command of CSF

You can use the following commands for installing CSF (Firewall):

  cd /usr/src
  rm -fv csf.tgz
  tar -xzf csf.tgz
  cd csf

# Reseller Pricing

Reseller module will automatically charge you 1$ per month from your funds

Slab-1: Deposit $50 + $5 Setup Fee

Slab-2: Deposit $500 + $5 Setup Fee

# License Name Slab-1 Slab-2
1 Combo: cPanel for VPS, Jetbackup, Softaculous, FleetSSL $10.00/mo $9.50/mo
2 Combo: cPanel for Dedicated, Jetbackup, Softaculous, FleetSSL $16.00/mo $15.00/mo
3 Plesk for VPS (Linux + Windows) $3.50/mo $2.50/mo
4 Plesk for Dedicated (Linux + Windows) $7.00/mo $6.00/mo
5 Softaculous for VPS (Original) $1.30/mo $1.30/mo
6 Softaculous for Dedicated (Original) $2.50/mo $2.50/mo
7 Imunify360 $4.00/mo $3.00/mo
8 WHM Sonic $3.50/mo $2.50/mo
9 WHM Reseller $2.50/mo $2.00/mo
10 CpGuard $4.00/mo $2.50/mo
11 Cloudlinux $4.00/mo $3.00/mo
12 LiteSpeed 2 Workers $4.00/mo $3.00/mo
13 LiteSpeed 4 Workers $7.00/mo $6.00/mo
14 LiteSpeed X Workers $11.50/mo $10.00/mo
15 CpNgnix $2.50/mo $2.00/mo
16 WHMCS Unauthorised $3.00/mo $2.00/mo
17 WHMCS Authorised Onetime $80.00 $50.00
18 WHMCS Unauthorised Onetime $20.00 $15.00

# Tutorial

This video will show you how to setup WHMCS module for reselling our services

You will find the documentation when you will purchase the License Reseller From Us.


A FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers on a particular topic.

StarLicense is a company who provide cPanel Licenses, Addon Licenses & Modules. Our license is totally safe and secure we can assure that. 99.9999% Stable & Bug Free
There is no limit of changing IP address but you can change one time for free but after that you need to pay $2 for per license change
No, It is against our rules. We don't save or share any of your data
For Instant/Emergency support you can contact us via WhatsApp. But you can only contact us via WhatsApp if you have Active Products/Services with us
Yes, you can get a reseller from us, but you cannot able to give another person a reseller from your WHMCS
Yes, you can hire one of us for managing your server, you can contact with us for that


If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, So, Please contact us via Support Page

Note: If you are E-Mailing us then please allow us 1 - 2hrs to response & If you are chatting with us via WhatsApp/LiveChat then you will get instant support, But you can only able to chat with us on WhatsApp for support if you have purchased one of our services
Current our license stability99.999999%
Thank You.